Fit for the Field - Getting Started


Welcome to Fit for the Field! This is the ultimate fitness program for the hunter who takes his/her sport, and the conditioning it requires...SERIOUSLY! Fit for the Field (FftF) is all about getting into great shape so that you can hunt most effectively.


FftF is based upon 3 key considerations:


Everyone is (or can and should be) an ATHLETE. This is both a right and a responsibility for optimal human existence.


The hunter is the ORIGINAL ATHLETE. History proves this point inarguably.


TRAINING is one of the major keys for your ultimate hunting success.


Allow me to flesh out the backstory on the genesis of this program. I’m a Board Certified Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy. I’ve been a health and performance coach for 40 years. I’m also a lifelong hunter with 5 decades of experience. Over the years, my vocation and my avocation have melded together in seamless fashion.


I’ve always been relatively fit and athletic, playing a number of sports and maintaining a regular workout regime all my life. When I was in my 20’s and 30’s, it seemed that whatever I did for conditioning was working for my hunting. I could hike and pack and do camp labor with ease, and I’d enjoy spending many days in the backcountry doing exactly that. In hindsight, this may have been as much a factor of youth as it was related to my training protocols.


However, as I’ve moved through my 40’s and am now in my late 50’s, I’ve found that training specifically for hunting gives me the greatest results in both performance and enjoyment. Applying the principles of exercise physiology and biomechanics – as well as my own experience – I’ve analyzed the unique demands of the hunting athlete. Using this knowledge, I’ve developed a proprietary training system that works far better than any general fitness-based approach.


Fit for the Field is a tested and proven system. I have been using this program with individual clients and group fitness classes for over two decades. We’ve had outstanding results in training hunters for better performance in the field. Many of my clients have used this training system to complete hunts of a lifetime all around the globe. This experience has allowed me to refine the program into what it is efficient, effective training system that doesn’t require too much in the way of time, equipment, or money. It’s easy to fit into your lifestyle and it works incredibly well.


This program employs the biomechanical and physiological analysis of the demands of hunting, and it applies advanced training principles to develop those attributes in the participants. In Fit for the Field, you’ll increase your overall strength, endurance, and mobility, but with some very important pluses. Your ability to easily assume and maintain a variety of body positions will be developed. Your grip strength will be enhanced. Your proficiency with carrying loads and negotiating challenging terrain will be upregulated. You’ll be a better conditioned, and ultimately – dare I say – better hunter.


That’s bold talk and I realize that hunting is a lifetime skill which we improve in many ways as we progress through the years. We gain a better understanding of animal behavior, weather, topography, and habitat. We increase proficiency with weapons such as bows and firearms. Our abilities with tools like knives, saws, optics, navigation aids, and other devices are improved. Our survival skills, wisdom, and instincts are honed. But where Fit for the Field makes you a better hunter is in your ability to do all those things without excessive fatigue, exhaustion, or injury. A stronger, better-conditioned hunter is one who can see what’s over the next hill, pack a camp in, haul meat out, and do it all safely. When you are in top hunting shape, you can stay in the game, with your mind on the game...not shutting down because you are wiped out. You can simply hunt harder, longer, and more successfully.


I’m certain you are going to enjoy Fit for the Field. It’s a fun, progressive, and comprehensive training program that will propel you toward your best hunting season ever. Let’s get started!