

Sleep is of crucial importance for both short and long term health. This point requires no elucidation. But it is certainly worth discussing sleep in relation to its value for bodcompopp.


Sleep starts with an “s” but it’s got an awful lot of “r” words pertaining to it. Rest, rejuvenate, repair,replenish, recover, renew…those are just a few that come to my mind. Good things happen when we sleep. 


In addition to all the “r” words just mentioned, there’s another big one that deserves its own paragraph or two. It’s regulate. As in hormonal regulation. As opposed to hormonal dysregulation. 


I think the best way to paint this picture is to first describe hormonal dysregulation secondary to poor sleep. When sleep is of inadequate quality and duration, we tend to have higher levels of cortisol in our system. This drives increased appetite (especially for junk food), diminished digestive function, higher heart rate and blood pressure, higher blood sugar levels, and more fat storage. Cortisol is not the only culprit in this situation but the message is clear. Poor sleep affects us negatively in many ways, including bodcompopp.


Preserving, protecting, and promoting good sleep is one of those big rocks in wellness that has a many faceted return on investment. There are numerous sleep hygiene tips you can employ to improve your sleep. Get some morning sunlight into your eyes (outside with no sunglasses but don’t stare directly into the sun). This resets your circadian clock and that helps you to produce more melatonin (the sleepiness hormone) in the evening. Witness the sunset. Finish eating a 3+ hours before bedtime. Have an evening wind-down ritual such as peaceful reading, conversation, or meditation. Dim the lights and decrease screen time. Take a wam bath. Make your bedroom a cool (66 degrees or less), dark (blackout curtains) sleep sanctuary where you only do two things and both start with “s.” Sleep is one of those. 


When sleep is on par, you’ll find yourself consistently waking up fresh, optimistic, and not achey. You’ll also notice its profound effects on your bodcompopp.