Alternatives for Non-Runners

Locomotion, in effect sprinting, is the standard mode for speed training. However, this may be inappropriate or contraindicated for certain athletes. The great news here is that most Lifetime Athletes can find something to do quickly that is safe and fun, even if it's not running-related.

All of the preparatory training we discussed previously can be modified and expanded to best match up with an an athlete's needs and desieres. But there are also several modes/mediums I often recommend and utilize.

For those whose jam is the water, aqua-sprinting (not necessarily aqua-jogging) is incredible. Using a belt or vest for flotation and sticking to the deep end of the pool (or where you can't touch bottom in the lake) allows you to go fast against full-body resistance while enjoying several unique benefits. Core temperature is cooled. The hydrostatic pressure of the water aids circulation. And technique can be modified infinitely.

Another phenomenal tool for speed training is a fixed gear exercise bike with a flywheel and toe straps or clip-in pedals. You can safely get the legs going very fast and get some excellent no-impact training in. 

Taking things a bit further, even if we don't always approach max velocity in adaptive situations, there are still great benefits to moving just a bit more quickly than normal. Being creative and open-minded brings many benefits. We have a number of athletes in our Training Tribe who regulary reach out to me for suggestions on modifying and adapting workouts. We achieve great results by keeping the scientific foundations in the plan and then making a few necessary adjustments. #findaway #createthewin #wherethereisawillthereisaway