Basic Workout Shorthand

Among coaches and athletes, and regarding training in general, the ability to communicate quickly and understandably is essential. 

NUMBER of REPS at given OUTPUT LEVEL with recommended REST INTERVAL

This is something we've MasterClassed on and that resource can always be reviewed for greater detail if you like. But we can describe it concisely right here.

6 x 30m @ Max Velocity w/3:00 rests

The workout segment shown above is an example of what T2 members see in their weekly workout tables, and other clients witness in various apps, spreadsheets, or emails.  This is one set of 6 reps of 30 meter sprints at top speed using 3 minute rests between each rep. Sometimes we get a little fancier by including several sets or rounds of those reps, using varying intensities or expanding rest intervals, etc. But it's all easy to decipher when you know the system. 

These days most folks can refer to their phone for such data, but the more you have to think and decide in a workout, the less attention you have to focus on your training. Or competing. Try memorizing your session, or even writing it on your arm.

You can also record your objective performance data in your log or diary using this methodology, along with some suportive subjective comments and observations. 

Any time we can make things more efficient and understandable...magic happens.

The main thing to remember with workout prescription is that it is a serving suggestion more than a mandate. The coach and/or athlete always adjusts this based on current status.