T2 WOW - 2024-09-09

Happy 2nd week of September! And happy we are, because we’ve got several exciting new workouts to explore. With names like the Tripletimer, E90SS, and the Grin and Grind…you will continue to be the rock star of fitness in your hood (and beyond). 


Training doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective. And it can be fun while it is challenging. Just like last week, we are going to try to hit 3 different workouts twice in the week. An optional recovery day with light activity can be placed anywhere you like.


Week of 2024-09-09 (week 2 of month 1: Endurance Block)












5:00 easy


Hike or Run




20 rounds

30:00 total


Free Choice


Cold Plunge

Use your gears to break it up!



Or Park


:30 each


Trunk Twist

Side Bend

Jump Jack


Mtn. Climber

Air Squat



Side Leg Raise


(superset every :90)



5 reps each


10-20 rounds

Cardio Carries

Bucket or Bells

Farmer Walk

20 steps + 

:20 Jumping Jacks


Any weight

10-20 rounds

Use your talk test to stay in Z2 in the finale.





Med Ball

:20 each


Diag Chop L

Diag Chop R

Giant Swing

Trunk Twist



Low Box Jump

10 reps

2 rounds


Indoors or out


Steady Z2


Endurance Lift

1 x 20 each

Light Resistance


DB Overhead Press

Lat Pulldown

DB/KB Goblet Squat

DB Flat Bench Press

DB Bent Row

Deadlift (any style)

KB Incline Press Left

KB Incline Press Right

KB Staggered Row L

KB Staggered Row R

Tricep Pressdown 

Bicep Curl

This is a full body session.


Focus on smooth output and volume instead of going really hard.


Workout A Breakdown: All of this week’s workouts are delightful, and this one is no exception. Choose a locomotion option (either hiking or running). Go easy for 5 minutes to get rolling. Then hit the gas (fast but not all out) for ten seconds, downshift to moderate (sustain a decent clip) for 20 seconds, and finally cruise slowly for a full minute. That’s 1 round. Do 19 more for a total of 30 minutes. This is similar to an easy fartlek session but it is a bit more structured. A brief stretch out and a cold plunge make a nice finish. This is true even if you are just hitting your bathtub or shower. Endurance work is not all plodding. This session builds durability.


Workout B Breakdown: You’ll recognize the old school cali’s from last week, getting some more air time. Good, classic, timeless. Like you. The E90SS is sort of a lifetimeathleteified version of a David Goggins workout. Every 90 seconds you do a superset of 5 pullups (assisted is fine), 5 pushups (knees are great), and 5 bodyweight air squats (to the depth you like). Mill around for the remainder of your 90 seconds (you should have at least 30 seconds left) and then hammer again. At first this will be easy. See if you can get 10 rounds, and maybe even 20. It’s a great conditioner. Those cardio carries are sneaky. It’s continuous movement. Load two buckets or carry KB’s or DB’s. You want a moderately heavy load but something you think you can manage for this segment. Farmer walk (two hand side carry) 20 steps, then set your weight down and bang out 20 SECONDS of jumping jacks. Pick up the weight and ramble on like Led Zeppelin. 10-20 bouts of this will leave you more satisfied than George Thoroughgood’s girlfriend (reference to “Bad to the Bone”). 


Workout C Breakdown: Flow through the familiar medicine ball movements. Then use a low box of 3-9 inches (or bottom step of stairway) to jump up softly and step back down slowly…10 times. Rest a minute and do it again. Then, mount your two-wheeled steed (or one wheel if it is an indoor exercise bike. Moderate resistance, steady cadence (80-95 rpm) for thirty or 40 minutes. Save enough for the famous 1 x 20 protocol popularized by sports scientist Dr. Michael Yessis. Doing one nice pump set of each of those lifts will leave you saying Yessir!


These workouts are fun and creative and they let you mix a lot of implements, skills, and modes. They are not “marathons.” This week our game is consistency. Pile up that volume by keeping the workload absorbable and recoverable.


You’re awesome. Ping me in Member Submissions if you have any questions. A fall team vidcon on Zoom is coming up soon as well.