T2 Programming 2024-01-08

Written on 01/07/2024
John Zombro

Wow, Tribe Member, our WOW (workouts of the week) are super exciting as we get into the 2nd week of Month 2 of the Agility Block. We are continuing to work on multi-directional movement competency and elasticity. We are using an A-B-CX2 split and we are combining exercises and positions athletically.

I’ve mentioned the agile mindset previously. Or let’s call it agile thinking. Not only do we want to be creative cognitive problem solvers, we benefit greatly from embracing exercise as movement problem solving. Unlike some of our other training blocks, such as strength or endurance, when we are training with a very metabolic focus, with agility we are prioritizing mechanics. This means being good at, and being confident with, on-demand movement proficiency. Frankly, this concept is lost among most of the longevity thought leaders, who continue to only emphasize basic strength work and Zone 2 cardio. Those things are good…just not good enough alone. We’ve got a few more weeks to tune movement before we go into our strength and hypertrophy focus, so I encourage you to celebrate this opportunity. With an agile mind and body.

As is consistent in the Agility Block, we’ve got a fairly high volume of unique exercises this week. This week’s video features demonstrations of all the moves, but you’ll probably recognize most of them anyway. As always, feel free to put your signature on these exercises and make them work for your body and the equipment you have available. Reach out to me anytime if you need guidance.

Week of 2024-01-08 (week 2 of month 2: Agility Block)

2 circuits
:30 each
:30 rests

Bridge March
Monster Walk
Wall Flexion
KB Obl/Inv Press L
KB Obl/Inv Press R
3 circuits
:30 each
1:00 rests

Alt 80/20 Squat
Assisted Box Step L
Assisted Box Step R
Row/Split Squat L
Row/Split Squat R
Ramp Plate Press
4 circuits
:20 each
:40 rests

MB Box Jump Squat
MB Pogo Jump
MB Hop L
MB Hop R
MB Skater Bound

Bike Spin
Move with
control and
1 x 15
Extra Light

Incline Bench
Assisted Pullup
Overhead Press
Incline Row
Ladder Circuit
3 rounds
8 reps each
Rest as needed

Incline Bench
Assisted Pullup
Overhead Press
Incline Row
10 x :15/:45
Air Bike or Rower


10 x 15 reps
KB Swing 
Or MB Jump Slam

Free Choice
Shoot for a
feeling of
but don’t
Rotational Flow
1:00 each

Door Openers
9-3 o’clock Taps
Supine Rockers
Seated Rockers
Lunge Twist
Recovery Cardio
Any Mode
“L” Wall Inversion
With box breathing
Recover from
and prepare
for tomorrow.
Definitely some great sessions this week!

Workout A Breakdown: 

  • The warmup sequence will help you to feel activated. If you don’t have small bands, just double up your tubing and carabiner it…or use a bungee cord with hooks removed and tied into a loop. Or cut the waistband out of an old pair of tighty whities. #wealwaysgetitdone. You’ll love that Oblique Sit Inverted Kettle Bell Press as well.
  • The main exercises have an increased demand so we take longer rest periods.
    • The 80/20 squat involves alternating 80% of your weight on one leg and 20% on the other. That’s of course approximate but you’ll have fun exploring this move.
    • The Elastic Assisted Box Step Up, is basically a power pulse where we work on rapid rate of force production. I had to back off mine a little so I didn’t hit my head on the ceiling in the studio, but you get the idea.
    • The Reaching Row and Split Squat can use elastic or cable, depending on what you’ve got. Practice that helical winding.
    • The Ramp Squat Plate Press can also be done with heels on a board holding anything (sack of dogshit always works).
    • We next add hops and bounds to the jumps, and add some loading with medballs. 1:2 work/rest ratio. Spin it out or take a walk if you’ve got no bike.

Workout B Breakdown:

  • We start out doing basic exercises with an “extra light weight” designation that you select. This is different from the %RM, RIR, and RPE classifications we’ll use in the next block. It’s meant to be very general.
  • In the mains, just focus on setting up your stations safely and get a good pump. 
  • The interval training is meant to be “either-or” but not both. Having stated that, if you are really wanting to hammer it…I won’t try to stop you. Air bike or rower (or maybe ski erg) are the best for the hard/easy stuff. KB swings or MB jump squats work great for the EMOM option. You can even do both of those but don’t smash yourself into oblivion.

Workout C Breakdown:

  • As you do the rotational flow, take notice of differences you feel side to side and try to minimize them.
  • Zone 1 is recovery gear in any aerobic exercise mode. It’s OK if you get up into Zone 2 a little, just keep it easy.
  • In the “L” position, breathe nasally in a box with in-hold-out-pause on counts of 5. This helps you to get parasympathetic and facilitates recovery.

I’m getting going with the new MasterClass format. I’ll be shooting out 10-20’ of focused instruction on this week’s topics and you’ll see that soon. Have fun. Keep it playful. Don’t take this programming or yourself too seriously, but stay consistent. In the end…you win (and so does the world).

We are on FIRE!