T2 Programming 2024-01-29

Written on 01/27/2024
John Zombro

Hello Amazing Tribe member! I appreciate and salute you. We’re in transition this week as we deload from the Agility Block and begin preparing for the Strength Block. This week has some unique workouts that I bet you will find to be both restorative and exhilarating.

We are also in transition with our membership model. The Lifetime Athlete app will be going live in just a few days and you’ll be getting all the information necessary to make the switch in the daily emails. It’s actually going to be fairly simple. The basic app is available for both Android and iOS and it’s totally free. You’ll just download it from either Google Play or the App Store, become a Member by signing up (at Legacy pricing which you will appreciate), and away you go. T2 is now exclusively available for app members (of The Lifetime Athlete community) as well as courses and a bunch of other features. I’ll be telling you more about that soon. On the “old” membership side…all you’ll need to do is go into your account and “cancel subscription.” Easy peasy. Stay tuned for the official launch updates and associated information.

Week of 2024-01-29 (week 5 of month 2: Agility Block)

Any mode
Any effort
Any duration
8 reps each
All light weight
4 rounds

Bench Press
Free Choice
Practice does
not make perfect…

Perfect practice
makes perfect.
Box Breathing
in supine 90/90
10 minutes
Any mode
Zone 1 (super easy)
Sauna, hot tub, hot bath,
shower, 3 sweatsuits
Melt your
stress away.
100 reps each

Situp (any style)
Assisted Pullup
6 min. Each ex
10 reps each ex

KB Swing
Low Box Jump
MB Slam
In 1 minute
1:00 rests
1 x each ex.

DB Walk Lunge
DB Push Press
DB Hang Clean
This is a fairly
intense pump!
Say goodbye to one Block of training…and hello to another!

Workout A Breakdown: Powerlifting preparation. Next month we’ll be using a push-legs-pull split and the primary sections will feature bench press-squat-deadlift in that order, respectively. This session is going to “grease the groove” and have you performing relatively light, higher rep sets to essentially practice the movements. In this manner you get a jump on the sessions so that feels like a smooth change from our previous block. This isn’t a ton of lifting (pun intended) but it’s a great start. Ideally, if you have a barbell and rack, the back squat is what we are going after. If not, you can always use a sandbag or double-rack kettlebells or dumbbells. If you need more weight, throw on a backpack or weight vest (probably not this week but in the future). Bench press can be with barbell, DB’s, KB’s, or even a fat cat. For deadlifts, you need either a straight or hex (trap) barbell, heavy bells, buckets of gravel and cinder blocks to stand on…or really heavy resistance band (step on it). You can see why I’ve been preaching to upgrade your gyms and get more loading ability. We’re in this next block for 3 months and it is totally worth it.

Workout B Breakdown: This is probably one of the best ways to facilitate deep recovery and support the parasympathetic state. For the box breathing, lay on your back and put your legs up on a bench or chair so your legs are in the 90/90 position. Think “smooth and easy” during your aerobic training of choice. And get your heat exposure any way you can. It works.

Workout C Breakdown: You’ll recognize the “gitters” as git yer reps or accumulators. No rules here…you just work at it, taking breaks as needed, until you get your hundy of each of the warmup moves. Any crunch or situp variation is fine, just pick what feels OK for your back. Frankly, except for El Jefe, we’re all too weak in our pullups, so even with assistance it will jack your arms and shoulders up. The Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM’s) rounds are zesty but we are only doing 10 reps this time. Bang out a strong minute of each of the accessories. Remember that the push press is an overhead press that uses a bit of a leg impulse, and the hang cleans are sort of “cheat curls.” If this session was any longer, we could not use it during a deloading week.

As I mentioned above, I’ll be sending you lots of information about the exciting new format. I’m also always available for questions. The app will have a community member section where you can upload photos and videos but also chat/ask questions etc. For now, in our old model, you can still hit the Forum or email me anytime.

Some exciting changes: transitioning training blocks, gearing up our gyms, and moving toward the app-based membership!