The Lifetime Athlete App is Live!

Written on 02/05/2024
John Zombro

Now this is a post I’ve really been looking forward to writing. As the title states…The Lifetime Athlete App is Live!

This is exciting news because the debut of the App represents evolution in the company as well as a new chapter in our content and structure. My mission has always been to guide people toward the highest levels of health, fitness, performance, and life participation/satisfaction. I find it almost serendipitous that the work I’ve been doing, now for 4 full decades – in blending longevity and performance – has become extremely popular. I think it’s fair to say that’s more than trendy these days…it’s a top of mind objective in modern society.

And for good reason. Everyone deserves to look, feel, and perform their best…at every point in the lifespan. Of course this pursuit may be slightly different from one person to the next or in the same person when comparing age 25 to 65, but that’s the goal…Kick Ass at life…for LIFE! 

The difference you’ll notice at TLA is that I/we have always been trying to bridge a gap which never should have existed in the first place. It’s the understanding and acceptance of ATHLETICISM as the route to not only sports performance, but to vibrant, robust health and vitality. This property, athleticism, is naturally programmed into the human beast as a privilege, right, and responsibility. It’s great to be healthy and fit. But it’s even better to be healthy, fit, and athletic…for life! We’ve been having wild success in our community and it’s time to expand and make living the athletic life available to everyone.

My vision with The Lifetime Athlete App was to create one unique and easy to access place, where a person could go and find comprehensive resources, an inclusive community, science-backed systems, and access to advanced coaching and training services. 

The Lifetime Athlete App is available on the App Store for iOS devices and on Google Play for Android. You can learn more about it at those locations as well as the “Get the App” web page.

I definitely feel like V1.0 of the App has accomplished those objectives. I encourage you to give it a look and seriously consider joining our team. Living our best life means living the athletic life. Let’s become and remain Hard to Kill – on the playing field – and in the game of LIFE!!

Peak Performance Through the Lifespan!
The Lifetime Athlete
Ep340 – The Lifetime Athlete App!