T2 WOW 2024-02-12

Written on 02/11/2024
John Zombro

Isn’t it fantastic being in the Training Tribe? Yes! Absolutely. We’re continuing in this first of three months in the Strength and Hypertrophy Block. I’ve mentioned in some of our content how we’re working on being highly competent with the compound movements in this training split as well as making sure we are recovering adequately. 

Sleep and nutrition are the main components to emphasize for recovery. We also want to watch out for sore joints, especially in the shoulders, elbows, lower back, and knees. Good technique and gradual load progression are the keys, but always err on the side of conservative judgment. In other words, adjust your form as needed to always avoid joint pain (do NOT try to work through this) and select just a little less weight (at least for now) than you think you can handle. It will be time to hammer soon enough.

Week of 2024-02-12 (week 2 of month 1: Strength and Hypertrophy Block)

3 X 10
1:00 rests
Straight Sets
8 total sets
10 reps each
Set 1-2 light warmup
Working sets 3-8
RPE 6-6-7-7-
Rest as needed

10 reps per ex.
Alternate ex.
4-8 rounds

SB Push Press
MB Slam
DB Skull Crusher
Try to squeeze
the bar or bells
together as you
bench press.

Zone 1-2
8 total sets
8 reps each
Set 1-2 light warmup
Working sets 3-8
RPE 6-6-7-7-
Rest as needed

Box Jumps
10 x 1

Depth Drops
10 x 1

Depth Jumps
10 x 1

As preferred
Shoot for ¾ depth
in your squat
for now.

(with assist)
3 x 10
1:00 rests
8 total sets
6 reps each
Set 1-2 light warmup
Working sets 3-8
RPE 6-6-7-7-
Rest as needed

DB Curls
(any style)
3 x 15

Any mode
Try to pull the bar
apart as you do
pullup and deadlift.
Those changeups will challenge you this week.

General Workout Considerations: Our goal this week is to increase workload volume in a sneaky way. Don’t change the weights or reps. Instead, use the suggestions listed below to increase Time Under Tension (TUT), which is a proven muscle-building technique. Each exercise will have a unique strategy (I’m not crazy about the term “hack” as you know) that you can apply. 

Workout A Breakdown: Push Day. On the bench press, use a 3-inch Bonus Reversal at the bottom. As you begin your press up from the bottom, go up for the 1st 3 inches, then lower back down and start over, going all the way up. Don’t bounce. Do this on every rep in the

Workout B Breakdown: Leg Day. On the squats, hold the bottom position (wherever that is for you right now) for one full second (or a quick 3-count saying 1-2-3). Do this on each rep in the

Workout C Breakdown: Pull Day. For the deadlift, we are using that “tap and go” technique and keeping the weight relatively light. That stated, hold the top (standing upright) position of the deadlift for 1 full second on every rep in the

Those changes will seem subtle but they will have a profound effect on our muscular workload. The is included in that section but I’ll also mention it here. In the Accessory section of Workout A we are going to take a light weight in the back squat at 25% bodyweight (BW) and see how many reps (WITH NO PAUSES IN THIS CASE) you can bang out in 1 minute, using solid form. It’s a gasser. You can use a slightly quicker tempo, but don’t chop your range of motion. 30 reps is your goal. 

Everything is working great so far in the App. Let me know how you like the daily tips and notifications and be sure to engage in the Member Submissions. Cheers!

Some very snazzy changeups this week!