The Earth-Based Diet 30-Day Challenge!

Written on 03/01/2024
John Zombro

Happy March 1st! This month our community is diving into The Earth-Based Diet 30-day Challenge. It’s the Earth-Based 30 (EB30)! Improving health, fitness, performance, and body composition is the focus.

EB30 is using the science-based, common sense approach to human nutrition that is one of the foundational components of lifelong health at The Lifetime Athlete. It’s also the key ingredient (pun intended) in our Lean4LIFE body composition optimization program, which is available exclusively to our membership community in The Lifetime Athlete App.

Participants will be going after a number of goals. Things like fat loss, muscle gain, blood pressure reduction, and blood panel improvement. We’ll be pulling the levers to use nutrition as a powerful tool to enhance recovery and to support peak performance. All this and more.

Members receive daily notifications and are supported by our private coaching network. Everybody else has a 30-day challenge, so I figured, why not our TLA team!?

PK & I recently jammed about Lean4LIFE and this pod provides all the details.

Peak Performance Through the Lifespan!
The Lifetime Athlete
Ep343 – Lean4LIFE!

I also had a fantastic discussion with my friend Ryan Jordan from Backpacking Light, talking about the evolution of our thinking with regard to human nutrition.

Peak Performance Through the Lifespan!
The Lifetime Athlete
Ep344 – 10 Current Thoughts on Human Nutrition

I hope you enjoy these resources and consider joining us for this month’s Challenge. You can download the weekly meal planning document below.