The Healthy Workstation - Introduction

The Healthy Workstation - Introduction

Welcome to The Healthy Workstation. This course provides you with the ergonomics education you need to make your job work for, and not against, your health. Be more successful at work. Learn how you can make your work additive to your recovery, performance, and well-being.

The Healthy Workstation - Basics

The Healthy Workstation - Basics

This section covers program basics. The Healthy Workstation is laid out in easy to follow sections with explanatory videos. Each section covers an important topic in creating your ideal work environment. Health, posture, sitting, standing, movement, and workflow will each be covered in detail.

The Healthy Workstation - Health

The Healthy Workstation - Health

This section on Health covers some general aspects of wellness and how they are related to workstations and behaviors. Since we spend approximately 1/3 of our time on earth at's great to keep these relationships in mind.

The Healthy Workstation - Sitting

The Healthy Workstation - Sitting

Sitting. Is it the "new smoking?" Not necessarily. In this section we examine multiple aspects of the seated workstation. Follow the tips in the video to make your sitting workstation ideal.

The Healthy Workstation - Standing

The Healthy Workstation - Standing

Standing workstations can be very effective, particularly if the points we emphasize in this section are utilized. Setting up a highly functional standing workstation is simple when you follow this guide.

The Healthy Workstation - Movement

The Healthy Workstation - Movement

Movement, including general daily activity and dedicated exercise, is the key to keeping your tissues oxygenated and avoiding metaboic stagnation. This helps to make work a more productive and painfree experience.

The Healthy Workstation - Workflow

The Healthy Workstation - Workflow

Workflow is practically a secret weapon for the ergonomics warrior. And for anyone who wants to accomplish more every workday. Find out how to go through your day with the most efficiency, effectiveness, and enjoyment.

The Healthy Workstation - Summary

The Healthy Workstation - Summary

This section provides a quick review and pulls it all together. Thank you for going through the course and I hope you found it beneficial.