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Speed Workout #1: Flying 30's

6 x Flying 30 meters @ 90+% max velocity with 3:00 rests

This is probably one of my favorite track sessions. That's because it's exhilarating to perform. You get to go fast but it's not too far. Rests are long enough to really facilitate the quality. 

Once you get through your warmup, set up two cones on the track 30 meters apart. I like to put the first 10 meters on the turn and the last 20 on the straightaway because this gives a feeling of "slingshotting" off the curve which adds to the fun factor. It also gives you great practice if you ever race a 200 or 400.

Back up 15-20 meters from the first cone and use a rolling start. Try to hit the cone zone at nearly full speed and maintain it through the second cone. Then coast out of it for another 15-20 meters so you don't come to a hard stop. Slighly "soft-pedal" that first rep and check that all systems are "go" in your body. If you feel any subtle tightening as you approach the last 1-2 reps, just ease up a bit and cruise through them. 

There's really something special about hitting the gas for just a few seconds and then stopping before fatigue sets in. In advanced settings, FreeLap (or similar) timing systems or radar guns are often used. For our purposes, you don't need to time these reps. Just work on mastering that sensation of getting on top of your gear and riding the wave. It's a sweet spot.

Sometimes this is all we do and then we head right into accessory and cooldown work. Other times there may be a different rep or set. Just depends.

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