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Weekly Challenge 2024-05-20

Cold, or even just cool, plunges are a big part of our summer training. Start thinking about possible places you can scope out for a dip, especially after a  workout. Oceans, bays, lakes, rivers, and streams are fantastic. However, even if you just hit your tub, shower, or garden can get the benefits of cold water immersion/exposure. 

Cold tanks are popular, and some folks use chest freezers but this is honestly a little elaborate. Water tanks, whether galvanized or poly, can be found at local ranch supply stores and set up in a small space for those who have back yards. Even an inflatable kiddy pool works.

Any way you do it, try to find a way to get some cool water into your summer training. It's refreshing and helps with recovery. There are other benefits when we take it a bit further, but for summer, we simply need to cool off and splash/play a bit.

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