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Weekly Challenge 2024-06-10

This week's challenge is all about the Sandbags and the SUSTAINED POWER OUTPUT exercises in the primary section of Workout A.

In that session you are tasked with banging out 30 explosive reps in each of the following and familiar exercises: back squat, push press, front squat, and clean pull. Just a reminder that the push press is an overhead press with a leg "oomph" or impulse and the clean pull is a hybrid of a power clean from the ground using the sandbag handles and a high pull finish so the bag comes up to head height.

With all these exercises, really work on compressing hard in the bottom and then erupting upward. Take brief rests every time your RATE OF FORCE DEVELOPMENT (RFD) starts to trickle off a bit. We want powerful motions, not a slow, sloppy grind.

The challenge is this: See if you can complete all 30 reps of each exercise under 2 minutes...but rest as much as 5 minutes between the movements so you can keep up this intensity. 

This isn't as easy as it sounds but it is very effective in developing your rapid force production capacity. You got this!

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