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T2 WOW 2024-05-13

YOU are a magnificent, powerful BEAST! And this week, as we intensify our training, you have the opportunity to push it a bit. We’ll be upping ye ole ante in the primary of Workout A while also reducing volume in the primary of Workout B. The adjustments are highlighted in fuscia color.


As we emphasize Rate of Force Development, our goals this week are to work on accelerating faster in the 40’s, increasing the tempo or cadence of our sandbag lifts, and throwing the medicine balls harder and farther. You’re ready for this and thank you for being patient, holding back a bit earlier to be fully prepared. You know the movements. You are comfortable with your output levels, and you can now get gritty.


Week of 2024-05-13 (week 3 of month 1: POWER Block)









Walk 5:00

Jog 5:00


Old School Cali’s

20 each

Trunk Twist

Side Bend

Toe Touch


Jumping Jacks




15 each


Chest Press




Loco Drills

2 x 20 yds each

Side Shuffle


Casual Skip




Rolling Start

Full Rests


% of max speed




:15 on/:45 off

2 rounds


SB Back Squat 

SB Front Squat 

SB Alt Back Lunge 

SB Clean Pulls 


Med Ball Throws

4 x 20 yds each


Chest Pass

Forward Underhand

Forward Overhead

Left Side Chuck

Right Side Chuck

Backward Overhead


Dynamic Strap Stretches

1:00 each 


Build speed gradually.





Low Impact

Free Choice




Functional Circuit

Light wt.

20 reps each

1 round

Rest as needed


Unilateral Pulldown L

Unilateral Pulldown R

Landmine Press L

Landmine Press L

KB Swing

Goblet Squat

DB Hang Clean

MB Russian Twist

Mobility Flow

Per week 1 video


Cold Exposure

1-5 minutes

Take a cold plunge.


Workout A Changeups: You’ll see the “flying 40’s” and this uses a rolling start (5-10 yards) to allow you to get going a bit before hitting the jets. Next month we’ll be working on hard starts out of a 3-point stance, but for now we will use this technique to prevent injury. Just get going enough to feel like you have a little momentum. There are 8 reps of 40’s, done first in the primary, and each one gets progressively faster. Take all the rest you need. Then, you’re doing 2 circuits of those 4 major sandbag lifts. Go 15 seconds as quickly (but controlled) through about 90% of full range of motion, then gasp for breath for 45 seconds before doing the next exercise. This requires a lot of focus but you’ll get through it.


Here’s one extra note of caution regarding Workout A’s runs. If you feel anything tightening up as you progress through the reps, back off immediately and go easy the rest of the way. We don’t want anyone blowing up and missing out on all this summer season fun.


Workout B Changeups: Because we are tasking the CNS and the connective tissues with more load in session A, we are only doing 1 round of the primary lifts this week, all with light weight. Think of this as moving the circulation and opening/closing the joints more than straining.


We added the cold exposure to the end of this session to facilitate recovery. Feel free to choose any option you like or have available. Cold tank or stream/lake plunge, cool finish to your shower, whatever you prefer. The time duration is also variable, depending on temperature and your mood. Not trying to be too scientific with this one, just cool off.


Thanks to some of you for joining me in last week’s bonus team Zoom meeting. It was fun to connect and do some live Q & A. There will be another one coming up in a few weeks and I’ll let you know all the details when they come together.


As always, I salute you.


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