As a member of the Cool Kids Club, otherwise known as The Lifetime Athlete Training Tribe, you are treating yourself to an easy, or deloading week. It’s time to back off a little and let your body absorb all this great training, and last week was certainly a “doozy.”
We’re still trying to take advantage of great fall weather as much as possible, but also hitting the gym for some of our usual iron supplementation, or resistance training nourishment. Keep things a little free form this week and make sure your recovery is going well. Good training doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple can be refreshing and consistency is king. Try to hit each session order.
Week of 2024-09-23 (week 4 of month 1: Endurance Block)
Workout A Breakdown: The beauty of this session is that it can be anywhere. You can head out to the park or trails, or just walk around town. It’s all good. As far as gear prep goes, if you are taking a backpack, keep it fairly light. Maybe you just need first aid, water and a snack, and rain gear. Don’t worry about effort, just don’t put out a lot of it. Budget a little extra time if necessary. You can even take this longer on the weekend if you desire.
Workout B Breakdown: Bike indoors or out, weather depending. But a nice fall bike ride is delightful. Peg your easy zones and steady as she goes. Keep it under an hour. Run through a few stretches as per your jam.
Workout C Breakdown: This baby has just enough sassafras to keep the zest alive and well in our system. We added medicine ball thrusters (full front squat with overhead press finish) to the warmup, and switched the box jumps to bodyweight step ups. You may want to use a higher box than what you chose for the jumps last week. Now we are taking that lifting sequence into a “2 x 20” setup, circuit style. Rest intervals should be ample to keep this week in deload mode. If you have access too an elliptical or rower for the cooldown…awesome. Otherwise, any walk, bike, or swim is good.
This month worked us in a variety of ways. It will feel good to have a few light days before we ramp up again next month. Reach out to me in Member Submissions any time if I can be of service.