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T2 WOW - 2024-12-02

Here we go! Welcome to the month of December and of course to the Agility Block. Over the next 2 months we’ll be doing a high variety of movements and using lots of different training methods. 


We’ll also be embracing the MicroWorkout. In concert with our principle of Seasonality, as well as our Annual Training Plan, most of our workouts will be of slightly less duration than at other times of the year. From an evolutionary perspective, this allows you to absorb workload and recover well during this circadian-downshifting time of year. Ping me in Member Submissions if you have any questions about this or other concepts.


Try to approach every workout as an opportunity to work on your movement competency, more than just strength, mobility, or conditioning. Lifetime Athletes are MOVEMENTSMITHS…critters who own every position and who have mastery of motion in every direction. 


Week of 2024-12-02 (week 1 of month 1: Agility Block) KB = KETTLEBELL, MB = MEDICINE BALL, DB = DUMBBELL, BB = BARBELL, E = ELASTIC BAND OR TUBING










20 each

Light resistance

Rest as needed


KB Swing

MB Slam

DB Push Press

BB Hang Clean

E Chest Press

BW Inverted Row


Uni + Bilateral

L + R + Both

10 reps each

Mod resistance


3 rounds


DB Bench Press

DB Bent Row

Seated DB OHP



Steady State

Any mode


Zone 2

Use steady, smooth form to get a good pump and finish with a cruise.




20 each

Light resistance

Rest as needed


KB Gobsquat

MB Giant Circle


BB Hip Thrust

E Monster Walk

BW Bench Bridge


Open + Closed

12 reps each


4 rounds


BB Deadlift

RC Back Extension


SB Front Squat

Bench Reverse Hyper



Short HIIT




Leg and back  work with explosive intervals require focus and ample rests.




Walk 1 mile

Indoors or out


4 ex per set

1:00 each

1:00 rest between sets

2 rounds each


Feet Anchor Situp

DB Sidebend

Lying Leg Raise

MB Trunk Twist


Jump Rope

Prone Plank

No Touch Mtn Clmbr

Skater Bound



Medium MIIT




Approach core and quick moves with precision.


Workout A Breakdown: Upper Body Emphasis. Cruise through the warmup sequence, taking your time, and getting your machine of excellence well-oiled. You’ll find the triple set circuits to be interesting. You do a set of 10 reps on the left, then the right, then using both arms. Go through the list of exercises, then do 2 more rounds. The dumbbell moves are pretty basic but very effective when done in this manner. For pulldowns, you can use an elastic band on a high anchor if you don’t have access to a pulldown machine with a handle. Finish off with some steady aerobic training, preferably low impact such as bike or elliptical.


Workout B Breakdown: Lower Extremity Focus. The warmup uses the same sequence of implements as “A” but with an emphasis on different muscle groups and movement patterns. The double sets are supersets which use large muscle groups and thus require ample rest periods (select as you need). Hit a set of deadlifts and then use a Roman Chair (or belly over stability ball with feet against wall) for some back extensions. The other combo uses any front hold with a sandbag (I like a high chest hug) and bench (face down, legs off) reverse hyperextensions. Save just enough mojo to blast it hard on this intervals, going just short of all-out for 10 seconds and cruising super easy for 50. An air bike or rower is excellent for this but you can make it work with just about anything.


Workout C Breakdown: Core and Conditioning. That walk gets you going to be ready for trunk and elastic movement. You can put your signature on all the exercises but keep in mind the no touch mountain climber does not touch down the front foot (when it drives up). The keeps the movement more stabilized in the trunk and also reduces joint stress. Skater bounds are simply bouncing side to side like a speed skater doing dryland training. The intervals can be done in any mode but running, biking, or swimming are excellent. Zone 4 (out of 5) is that strong output which you would use if you were running the mile for time (as one example). Do that for a minute and then go super slow for 2. This one will get sweaty.


This week’s sessions enter us into the Agility Block by changing up exercise order and using condensed conditioning. We’ll be mixing up themes and adding in mobility and footwork along with other zesty aspects. Just work on moving well and keep a light, playful attitude toward your sessions. These can be great to share. Invite a friend (or several) to come to the gym (or your garage or basement) and party with you. One taste of this deliciousness and they will want to (and should) join our Tribe.


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